Debt Management


Debt Management

10 Benefits of Living Debt-Free

Written by Beth Mincks, NFCC Certified Financial Professional Peace of mind Financial security Improved marital relationship Better health and lifestyle More free time Emergency fund lasts longer Strengthened self confidence Extra money to put towards savings More money available to invest. More time with kids and family. Living a debt-free life means different things to […]

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Debt Management

Debt May Spoil Cupid’s Plans This Valentine’s Day

Springfield, MO. – Cupid is up against a mighty opponent this Valentine’s Day: DEBT. The majority of respondents participating in the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) monthly poll indicated they would have serious reservations about taking on the debt of the person they love, even to the point of ending the relationship. The NFCC […]

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Debt Management

Tapping into your emergency fund

Written by Beth Mincks, Financial Education Specialist I often have informative questions when I am teaching financial awareness to the community. Here is a question I wanted to share. Question: I am establishing an emergency fund but what reasons would I need to tap into this savings account? Answer: Having an emergency fund is strictly […]

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Credit & Budget Counseling

Seeking Financial Guidance

Seeking financial guidance is NOT a sign of weakness, it is a step toward financial freedom. Personal finance is a sensitive subject and CCCS of the Ozarks has found that pride or lack of understanding is hindering one from seeking some kind of financial guidance. When is a good time to seek financial help and […]

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