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Debt Management

Tapping into your emergency fund

Written by Beth Mincks, Financial Education Specialist I often have informative questions when I am teaching financial awareness to the community. Here is a question I wanted to share. Question: I am establishing an emergency fund but what reasons would I need to tap into this savings account? Answer: Having an emergency fund is strictly […]

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Legitimate help is available

False Perceptions of Credit Counseling Keep Consumers from Seeking Assistance The July poll on the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) website revealed that consumers have false perceptions about credit couseling which keep them from obtaining the help they need. “The Poll numbers are disturbing on many levels,” said Joe Stokes, CEO of CCCS of […]

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My Money Check Up – CCCS of the Ozarks

Beth Mincks, Financial Educator and NFCC Certified Financial Professional Recently the NFCC (National Foundation for Credit Counseling) started a nationwide campaign called “Sharpen Your Financial Focus”. This campaign is designed to help anyone get on the right path to financial freedom. This is exciting for CCCS for the Ozarks because we are part of this […]

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Credit & Budget Counseling

How to Start or Re-Start Your Monthly Budget

Written By: Beth Mincks, NFCC Certified Counselor and Financial Educator The hardest part about budgeting is getting started! Here are some tips that may help you. Step One: Look at the last 2 months of your bank statements to see how much your monthly bills are and what you spend your money on. This will […]

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